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Clipfish à Brás

Every culture has its own iconic dishes that crop up on every manu and list of must-try foods. At least one of them is the famous Bacalhau a bras with Norwegian clipfish. Hearty, hot and best served family style! 

Cooking time40-50 min
Difficulty levelEasy



  • Heat up water in a casserole, when the water starts to boil, add the clipfish and turn off the heat immediately.
  • Let the cod soak in the warm water for approx. 3 minutes and put a side. 
  • Cut the onion into wedges, and finely chop the garlic and parsley.
  • In a bowl, mix the eggs with milk and season with salt and peper. sfaça o bacalhau em camadas.
  • When the clipfish is cooked, remove the skin and vones and cut into pieces.E
  • Heat olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic on medium heat. When the onion is golden, add the clipfish and potatoes. 
  • Mix everything well and add the eggs over low heat, make sure to not overcook. 
  • Serive with a sprinkle of parsley and garnish with olives.