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Norwegian salted cod "a la vizcaína"

A tasty dish with Spanish flavours, the perfect family dinner. 

Cooking timeOver 60 min
Difficulty levelEasy




  • Soak the choricero peppers without stem and seeds in cold water for 1 hour. 
  • Slice the onions, red onions and green peppers into julienne strips. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Peel the garlic clove. 
  • Drain the peppers, but reserve one glass of water.
  • Heat up the olive oil in a casserole over medium high heat and poach the onions, green bell peppers, ham bacon and garlic clove for approx. 45 minutes. Make sure that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Add the choricero peppers and cook for another 45 minutes. During cooking it may be necessary to add more water, use the water you have reserved. 
  • Let it cool down and pass through a sieve three times until the sauce is light and even. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm in the casserole. 
  • In a frying pan with some olive oil, over medium heat, fry the salted cod, skin side down for 5 minutes. Place the cod on top of the casserole, skin side up, and cook for 10 minutes more while moving the casserole back and forth.