Finely chop thyme and rosemary, and mix with olive oil, coriander seeds, salt and pepper.
Spread the mix on the salmon and leave over night in the refrigerator.
Quickly pan-fry the salmon in oil on both sides. It should not be cooked through, just get a fried surface.
Cut the salmon into approx. 1 cm thin slices.
Blueberry purée
Grate the garlic and finely chop the red onion, coriander and basil.
Mix with the rest of the ingredients for the purée in a food processor.
Taste with brown sugar and set the purée to cool before serving.
Lychee and cherry salsa
Blanch tomato by cutting a cross on top, immerse in boiling water for a couple of minutes and then immediately place them into cold water. Remove the skin and seeds and finely chop the tomato.
Cut the lychee and red onion into thin slices. and finely chop coriander.
Remove the seeds from the cherries.
Zest and juice lime.
Mix all the ingredients for the salsa.
Taste with a little port wine, salt and pepper.
Set the salsa to cool before serving.
Serve the salmon with the blueberry purée and lychee and cherry salsa.